a CZ loaf of bread |
Day 5& 6 Prague and across the Czech Republic
Entering Poland in torrential rain fulfilled all my preconceptions of how a once 'Eastern Block' country should look and feel like. For once a police presence,albeit light, at the grey border........ We had decided that Ciezcyn, a Czech Polish border town, once split down its middle by the heavily guarded crossing was the place to stop for the night. Blocks and blocks of flats, roads full of pot holes, badly lit shops that you would have to pay me to enter and a difficult to find campsite with locked gates and no sign of life........ The season clearly hadn't yet started.
The EU state has clearly done just that - border crossings are barely noticeable - more like county signs. In the Czech Republic every decent size town is blessed with a Tesco, Makro and an out of town 'mall'. We are a few years too late (10?) to see it as I would have liked to.

Suzie b driving throughCzech
Our Poland rough guide is just that - low on detail, a UK rough guide would only major on the 'Amblesides' and miss the places in the lakes we actually go to. So next stop is an out of season ski resort some 60 km away which we arrive at late . Rain is still hammering down so we opt for a hotel and find ourselves drinking mojitos (susan) and having a top meal out..... Poland is still very cheap :-)
Prague was as good as we expected - bars and cafés were well visited plus boy had a ball chasing balloons. The campsite was taken over by a dodgy camera shoot, posh caravans and camper vans, an entourage of far too many hangers on and a male lead who apparently took his camper van and mountain bike on lone trips together - lots of filming in the van seemed to be required. They asked to use our van in 'the shoot' ....
We now have brought the luxurious 1" thick mattress down from the roof space to supplement our 1" thick memory foam mattress and now have achieved camping luxury.
Day 6. Prague (CZ) to Szczryk (Pl) 460 km. total. 1679 km
Just caught up on your adventure, having been away all week (working, remember it..). I can visualise your every Km with your excellent commentary. Keep it going