Sunset over Ukraine mountains |
Early start to make sure we did get on the train ...
We are right on the Ukraine border and I know that if it had been a year ago we would have gone over to take a look....
They get up early - school kids from 7 am , horses with carts and many walking to work in the fields with pitch forks, scythes and huge rakes.
The train ride is the very best..... 2 hours up a deep gorge, an hour plus BBQ at the rail head ( with beers) and then back down the vallly - a railway built to take logs down the valley as floating them down was unreliable ( lack of water in the summer etc)...the max speed is barely jogging pace as the track condition couldn't take it.
For £4 each I cannot hide my total shame in saying it knocks 'old ratty' into a cocked hat....
couldn't keep Susan off the footplate.. |
Day 16 & 17 Citadels and Fortified Churches in central Romania
The following night was in a small hotel in Sibiu - they directed us to the 'private secured parking' - a rubble filled car park full of rubbish and a couple of old sofas behind a block of flats...I was approached by 3 kids asking for cigarettes and then not accepting my reply, asked if i could bum them some cigars...Susan, not up for leaving the van there went back to the hotel and they then changed their advice to .....remove the bikes from the back would be a wise idea.....a couple of minutes later and we were parking the van in their courtyard.
pig wins :-) |
Boy acquired a crossbow which without the rubber tip to the bow could
cause serious fun though
Romania to date has been fascinating - its later entry into the EU in 2007 from the other 'eastern block' countries visited to date is evident to see, but there are many signs of it morphing into the common EU such that having seen CZ, Poland and Sk it can and will lose more of its identity in just a few more years - Infrastructure improvements are everywhere - they clearly do not worry as we do with HS2 as railways are being built next to old tracks but in straighter lines and with tunnels, roads are being built or upgraded wherever you travel, Lidl's are cropping up as are out of town hypermarkets......cant help feeling they could do much more with tourism income if they really got their act together......
off to 'Dracula' country tomorrow and then towards the Black Sea
Day 15 Breb ( Ro) to Sighisoara ( Ro ) 309 km Total 2829 km
Day 16 Sighisoara ( Ro) to ibiu ( Ro) 121 km Total 2950 km
Day 17 Sibiu ( Ro) to Ciofrangeni ( Ro) 118 km Total 3068 km
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